
Welcome to Camp Wizby

Getting Here
Come visit & camp on the land, reconnect to nature and wellness
here in Gaysville, Vermont on acres of delicious nature, and sharing around an
all-inclusive fire circle.
Lodging & Stuff
Here's where you'll stay - check out local dwellings and a few of our favorite places and happenings in the area.
Event Details
We host several retreats a year check here and our socials - campwizbyvt on Instagram and Facebook - for updates. Check our Event Page for Details on our Ancestor Bridge retreat this October 11-14 2024. Below is a sample itinerary from our last retreat held this past April 2024.
Friday April 5th
Saturday April 6th
Sunday, Monday April 7th & 8th
Welcoming Ceremony
Introduction to TM Trascendental Meditation training Breathwork
Group Dinner
Fire Circle
Group Meditation
Catered Lunch
Free time to hike, ice bath, get a massage
TM (to be booked w instructor)
Fire Circle
April 7: Meditation
Morning Hike
TM (to be booked w instructor)
April 8:
Final TM course
Eclipse gathering off site (3:30pm)
Closing Ceremony